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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hot Ice Cream

The idea to attempt this recipe was triggered by a friend who saw mention of the concept of "hot ice cream" in Cooking for Geeks.  I did a bit more research and discovered the excellent cooking blog Salty in Seattle that described a mascarpone based version.  This version is essential her version slightly tweaked and using a slightly different type of methylcellulose.

This ice cream has a great flavor but a very strange mouth feel.  It does not melt in warm liquids.

130 g Mascarpone
32 g Butter
65 g Sugar
13 g Methylcellulose (I used Methylcel F50)
78 g Water (I used low calcium bottled water)
pinch Salt
1/2 Vanilla Bean (seeds only)

Mise en Place
Let butter and mascarpone warm to room temperature.  Hit mascarpone, butter, sugar, and salt until just blended with immersion blender.

Place vanilla bean seeds in water and bring to simmer.  Ad methylcellulose to vanilla water and blend until incorporated.

Drizzle vanilla methylcellulose water into cheese mixture and blend again until combined.  Refrigerate overnight.

Bring saucepan of water to simmer.  Scoop "ice cream" and drop in water.  Simmer for 2-3 minutes and retrieve and serve.

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